Installation of Officers 2024-2025 Cathy Sieberlowe, Gaylene Capachi, Ineke Van Der Linden, Sally Laughlin, President Karen Quinlan, Kathy Donlevy, Sharon Baca, LeeAnn Vaughan, Kim Williamson, Cathy Clow, Heidi Reams

Our members made up seven special baskets of goodies, both wants and needs for the residents at Blossom Place. We made up two extras for new girls coming in at some time. Our club is proud of our support for this worthwhile program helping girls who have aged out of foster care.

April 24, 2024 Awards Dinner – our club’s most important meeting of the year. We celebrate all the recipients and their dreams. See Programs and Awards page for all the winners
Our annual Angel project collects gifts from the community for under-served children. It was a wonderful day distributing them to the requesting agencies

Fun and merriment at the 2023 pajama party

Two new members being inducted to the club by Membership Chair, Christina Wilson

Several of our members attended the CASA Tea in April to support this great service organization to young people in the legal system

Blossom Place residents standing on their new backyard deck funded by Soroptimists.

Having fun at District 4 Leadership Summit attended by president Cheryl Foley and president-elect Karen Quinlan